カジノ 無料 ゲーム

Brカジノ 無料 ゲームd

カジノ 無料 ゲーム

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Symbol mark

カジノ 無料 ゲーム


The greカジノ 無料 ゲーム wall expresses a new company by a design with "Medical" as a motif, and it espresses what all employees promote in unison. In addition, the heart in the wall expresses an "arrow" to protect from illness.
As a whole, we express a going attitude with newly passion to the future.

Symbol color

Main color

The greカジノ 無料 ゲーム color that chinese traditional color "Sカジノ 無料 ゲームZAI-MIDORI"(千歳緑) arranged for modern style, stand for peace and longevity.

Sub color

The color of the inside is "HI-IRO"(緋色), which was traditionally used for high ranking officials costumes. It also represカジノ 無料 ゲームts heart, and expresses the company posture taking good care of people.